20231010_LSIC-TMS_04516_v2.1 20231010_LSIC-TMS_04516_v2.1
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)


  • Non-invasive and painless - TMS as a non-invasive magnetic stimulation, the instrument does not have any direct contact with the human body, which is a non-invasive treatment, and it can reduce the risk of human body being harmed, and thus it is widely used in clinical treatment and brain science research;

  • Easier to realize deep cranial brain stimulation - when surface electrodes are used for stimulation, the electric field disperses rapidly and cannot reach the deep cranial brain; and implantable electrical stimulation cannot be widely used due to its traumatic nature. In the case of TMS, poor conductors of electricity such as bones and muscles have very little depletion of magnetism, thus allowing stimulation to the deep cranial brain;

  • Little human discomfort - TMS utilizes a sensible current for stimulation. The magnitude of the induced current is inversely proportional to the electrical resistance. For the scalp and bones, which have a high electrical resistance, the current generated is negligible, and there is basically no discomfort.
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